An increasing number of organizations are recognizing the value of a more virtual work setting. Many of the biggest entities in the private sector today focus primarily on information, data, and relevant tools for accessing them in their central products and services, making a shift to new methods of approaching standard operations, like remote work for employees, a sensible means of increasing efficiency while reducing expenses.
But a more virtual work setting comes with new and increased risks, too. The number of cyber threats organizations regularly face has not dramatically dropped over time, meaning that keeping private networks secure is a top priority. Failure to do so has resulted in costly consequences for organizations that have become victims of cyber attacks, both for those organizations and their employees, customers, and partners.
As your organization engages in the process of workplace virtualization, security must be a priority at all times. That means instilling best practices in employees, investing in top-of-the-line software to protect communications and data, and constantly keeping up with new security risks and opportunities as they appear. In this blog post, we’ll go over some of those potential risks and opportunities.
Before diving into how you can make the virtualization process more secure for your organization, it’s important to better understand what could make it a worthwhile shift despite some of the risks involved.
For many organizations, virtualization is a no-brainer; many communications and data management responsibilities that would normally take place in a physical setting can easily translate into a virtual one. Some of the immediate results you could see include reduced expenses in terms of equipment, labor, and facilities.
Other benefits of virtualization may depend on the manner in which your organization operates. In a situation where important documents and other information are stored in a physical location, for instance, transitioning these documents and their storage system into a virtual format allows for much greater ease of access when needed.
Of course, making your workspace more of a virtual one doesn’t come without its potential issues. These mainly take the form of potential security breaches, data vulnerabilities, and communications disruptions.
If a hacker were to gain access to one strategically-targeted employee’s account, for example, it could be enough to give them access to vital organizational and customer data. Alternatively, an attack focused on your organization’s network-based communication capabilities could completely disrupt the capability of individual employees and teams from communicating with one another as needed for a potentially extended period of time.
Increasing your operational efficiency through virtualization is still possible without seriously compromising the security of your data and communications, however. Keeping these critical elements of your operations safe is a matter of the tools you choose to use and the kind of training you provide your employees with to help them keep both your organization and themselves safe.
Your employees need to understand the ways in which they’re likely to be targeted and what kind of data a hacker would likely try to gain access to. This, in addition to detailed instructions for secure network access, can go a long way toward preventing data breaches.
The rest of the process involves bolstering your security with cutting-edge tools and software. For that, you can find what you need from the KPI Network.
For access to special offers tailored to the needs of your business from the best vendors, developers, and service providers in the cybersecurity field, subscribe to us now. You can also contact us directly with any questions at or (888) 263-0711.