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How to Highlight Enterprise SaaS Solutions with Marketing

Written by Admin | July 23, 2022

If your SaaS company is doing well, you may be thinking about what you can do next to maximize your revenue potential. Moving from a small-to-medium market and targeting enterprise customers is a great way to get ahead. Enterprise SaaS solutions have seen high growth in recent years and will only continue to skyrocket.

At KPI Network, we are here to help with B2B demand generation. Since 2008, we have connected marketing business leaders with technology solutions vendors to help them reach new heights. More importantly, we facilitate conference calls, meetings, and other interactions to see where they might align so they can succeed together.

We look at enterprise SaaS solutions below and how to highlight some aspects with marketing.

What Is Enterprise SaaS Solutions?

Enterprise SaaS is the process of acquiring enterprise-level customers through various methods, including outbound marketing, account-based marketing, and paid advertising. These businesses differ from traditional SaaS companies because they involve large organizations with hundreds to thousands of employees and billions of dollars in revenue.

Thanks to their large budgets, enterprise companies can afford top-notch software designed to solve any problems they might experience. Enterprise SaaS solutions are marketed as very knowledge-intensive with the benefits of increased productivity and lower ownership costs.

How to Create an Enterprise SaaS Marketing Strategy

Before you begin setting up a marketing plan, you must ensure your product caters to the needs of your enterprise audience. This is about more than just making sure you have a solid pricing plan in place. You need to understand that Enterprise SaaS solutions have different marketing needs than small-to-medium businesses.

If you already know the differences and are ready to put a plan in place, you’ll need to work to find the channels that will yield you the highest returns for your Enterprise SaaS solutions.

Account-Based Marketing for Your Enterprise SaaS Business

Enterprise SaaS companies are incredibly complex and can take a lot of time to integrate. You need to take a more personal approach and customize each message along the funnel for each account you try to convert. An account-based marketing approach means talking to the project manager of a company that has a specific problem that no one else can solve.

While there is a longer sales cycle, there’s a higher chance of converting them to long-time customers since you are there every step of the journey.

Consider Paid Advertising for Enterprise SaaS Solutions

Pay-per-click plays a role in most SaaS marketing strategies. While it can be expensive, it can help bring in customers who are ready to purchase or at the consideration stage. As you’re formulating a PPC strategy, consider testing which paid channels work best for you and focus on what budget, demographic, and copy will help reel in potential business.

Use Social Media to Spread the Word of Your Enterprise SaaS Solutions

While social media marketing is often used for business-to-consumer business models, it can also work in an enterprise context. You can start by identifying your ideal customer profile and concentrate your lead generation efforts on them.

You can create or join Facebook groups, Slack groups, or Subreddit of your choosing to engage with your ideal customers.

Contact Us Now!

If you are a SaaS vendor and need to optimize your marketing strategies, finding the right marketing company can be difficult. Fortunately, at KPI Network, we have been pairing technology companies with the right marketing agencies to maximize their mutual success for over a decade. Ultimately, our track record speaks for itself. We have worked with several reputable companies, and our services are free. View available offers now!